Friday 22 March 2013

Being 50.

Hey all you in blogging land.
I thought all was lost when things got transferred to a new lap-top.
I finally found time to create a new blog-spot, then tripped over the old one just lying around in the ethos.
This year I turned 50.
Apparently, folk do it all the time. Some do it in grand style...mine involved a narrowly diverted melt-down, some long distance phone calls and some home made cards from my much beloveds.
Dinner was cold.
But that's ok because the table was decorated lovely with candles. Don't worry, there was a completed risk assessment with the candles.

I have found that growing old gracefully has become thwarted by a teen and a tween.
Being a bit of an older mum, I have that combination of the Mum/Gran nature of nurturing. Well, that's how I see it in my delusional little world. Some times, for excitement, I surprise myself with periods of manic singing, dancing and laughing like a burro because I can't get the simplest of jokes the right way around.
I also have this feeling that I need to please all, all the time, tendency to spoil children randomly.
But when the hamster (in exercise ball) insists on crowding my ankles...just the mere touching of my ankle will send me into turrets type behaviour. It's not like it's just being It's a hateful, wind-up of a creature.
Yah, welcome to menopause.

My taste in clothing is roughly the same as the teen.
Read into that what you like, I'm just grateful she's stopped walking three paces ahead of me when we're in town. 

I've just let the maintenance fellow in to inspect our boiler.
We seem to be on the same wavelength on music, the type of music that is a bit durable, lasting longer than five minutes.
I think it was the pure  and simple joy of chatting with someone my own age.
(My much beloved is eight years younger)

Mostly, though, I'm happy with my lot in life.
Hopefully I've got alot more to look forward to.
For instance...meeting the teen's new boyfriend...