Friday 21 June 2013

Being 50 !-@...%*!!~! Technology

Hey all you's guys out there in techno land!
 This is coming from my iPad.
Instead of doing research and a bit of donkey work for my favourite freelance instructural designer/mobile learning and eLearning organiser ...
I am being 50.
The last three weeks have been a bit all consuming with getting caught up with; what the rest of the world seems to have worked out as technology zooms along.
I've gone from zero to, oh I think I get it now.
Part of the research entails finding cutting edge, up and coming trends and then highlighting relevant and potentially helpful information in articles to make it easier for my boss to retain at a glance.
Which is hard, because I'm not even sure what I'm looking at most of the time!

  It was my little sister's birthday recently, she has gone from having her own business, to working for  the college/university in a "big girl" position. Her job responsibility in a team framework is responsible for the well being and guidance of student visitors. Better her than me!
My hermit tendencies are only kept at bay by our peeps.
She has way more peeps to chase than me, raised by people she's never met.
Not ideal...but then, if  we are going to be big girls in big girl jobs...then we'd better get on with it and make a damned difference!

I've found that I'm falling into place, finally feel like I can start giving those kids the opportunities in life without having to sweat the bank stuff.
It's life,
It's unpredictable,
And The Lord hath delt graciously with me.
Love Val