Friday 19 October 2012

Mistaken Identity

    I'm sure, almost positive, you have looked at other people from time to time and thought; 'Wow, that person could be so and so...or they could be thing gummy's evil twin.
Or, have you actually made eye contact with someone, you were sure you knew?
This sort of thing happens to me in a local supermarket.
 My reaction is to smile broadly to put the stranger at ease, then apologise profusely, "Honestly, I'm not a lunatic, I was so sure I knew you....em, sorry.
 Then my face is so crest fallen it's scudding along the floor as I walk away, reeking  of awkward.
Then, because this has happened in a supermarket, you're bound to run into them again at least eight more times.
   Consider, each encounter has to be as unobtrusive as possible. This may include diving into a deep trolley filled with Eco-nappies and organic veg. By which an amused toddler is delighted by the turnip with actual moving eyes!
   On the other hand, I'll bet nearly everyone knows of someone that can't possibly be mistaken for anyone else.
I was sure I knew of such a one.
Let's call him Greg.
I've known him for a few years and he has taken over the role of main child organiser of the children he has with his wife.. He is an artist while his wife works full time. His style is sort of bloke boho, makes a ponytail look cool, ears subtly pierced, wears J.Lennon glasses and makes wearing wax outdoor attire....well, cool.
    So, on this particular occasion I find myself once again in said supermarket, spying about six checkouts down, a person I have previously described.
I cannot resist a little natter, as he seems to be hunched over preoccupied with some thing. No, someone!
A wee baby in one of those newborn pushchairs, that look like a pod on hydraulics with 4x4 tyres for infant off roading.
So, as I put my hand familiarly on his shoulder as my voice goes all 'luvvie'......
"Oh my goodness, congratulations good for you both, look what you've done! A little boy or girl?"
    But, because this man was bent over his baby, I had no real concept that this 'Greg' impersonator is indeed a full 10" taller!
This impersonator is confused in this surreal situation he seems to have found himself in.
He gives me a hollow eyed, blank look in hope that I will have realised my clunking mistake and beggar off!
 His sleep deprived expression begged me to make haste!
Ah, but not without sputtering in what is rapidly becoming my 'repitior for people I thought I knew'.
    About two days later, I bump into the Greg impersonator outside the village news agents.
Ohmygosh, there are no deep trolleys to make good my escape!
I briefly smile as though to say 'I mean you no harm'.
He still looks sleep deprived.
Purposely, I stride into the newspaper shop, then stand there a while.
'Oh great, now he thinks I'm the village idiot.'
About a week later, the Greg impersonator has had an encounter with a harsh hair cut. A no.2 I'd guess.
Maybe he has seen the real Greg and became completely freaked out in a sleep depraved way.
Even though he still wears J.Lennon glasses, the balance of INDIVIDUALITY has once again been restored.

    Until that is, when I saw our youngest peep's doppelganger in camping play area in Cornwall.........

    Love Val x

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