Thursday 16 May 2013

What's 50 got to do with it?

Still 50, means something different every day.
Sometimes I have no recollection of my facial features changing, varicose veins bulging,  eye sight getting fuzzier or that our peeps are breathtakingly amazing in all that they do.
   Not for one minute are they holier than thou, but the way they conduct themselves away from home leaves me feeling overwhelming relief. When they start going off with friends and meeting other people you've never heard of, a sense of unease creeps around and crosses over to what we are constantly hearing in the news.
All I can see are our peeps in these horrific situations.
I'm never completely happy until they're home.
When they keep good company, then, I'm less afraid and no one minds if I fuss.
   Our Peeps, are making choices according to the events they've been faced with.
Yesterday, young'un came home after having a busy day being a super hero.
She ran like the wind in athletics, fastest in her group...despite the spots before her eyes and the urge to barf on her knees when she was through.  
Then something switched on as her alter-ego went from non-confrontational to Captain Avenger.
She took human rights to a new level.
1- No one bad mouths her mate's Mum.
2- No one terrorises a defenceless person up against a fence without getting proper told. And other adjectives.
The adjectives were the warning; the retribution was a look inherited from my Granddad that would put you up against the wall at 30 paces. Not leaving any room for doubt that said bully: Done Bad!
And they's gonna get allot worse if this sort of thing goes 'round again.
Captain Not suffering fools gladly...has spoken.
  ' With power, comes responsibility.'
   Then she split with her fella.. only.because they have nothing in common!
Seriously, how many adults can you think of that can mutually grasp that sort of reality?!

   Speaking of fellas...Bigg'un peeps, has been seeing her fella...the illusive boy friend for about two months.
   They really are like two peas in a pod. We thought he would be nearly catatonic with fear...but no!
He barely drew breath the whole time, but I fell he's a keeper. A rare and absolute delight in the known world of teenage boys.
They make my heart swell.
X Val

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