Monday 6 August 2012

I dress-up on MY terms!

   (Roughly translated from Poppy, a shih tzu three year old alot of three year olds, or indeed some females.......need to do things on their terms.)

   Hard enough for us to know what to wear in this changable weather, or certain events going on with family and friends. Do you feel bad about dragging your four legged companion out in a deluge?
Have a look at my folder of pics taken by my big sister........

This is myself swatting for GCSE's.
I am still waiting for my results in
physics and the molecular structure of B.B's.(biscuits)

This was taken from
sports day. Won silver in the gangbusters, 100 metre running and barking competition.
As a Norman Warrior. The bear never had a chance.

 You're rather lovely.....aren't you.
 My Daddy, big sister and I love Star Wars. ........I'm an Ewok.....duh.
 The day doesn't start until I says it starts.
 Hokay, it can start. REALLY? You do take the most absurd liberties

 I'll let you know the colour of food dish I like. Oh, nice try with the rubber non-tip device on the bowl.
You think?

I do quite allot of surfing with Mum, I'm here for moral and technical support. You have seen an example of attire that I like. I can be excruciatingly cute on my own merit, there is no need to spend heaps of money on outfits that you can't get fox poo out of.
   I am as opinionated as they come, riding purely on instinct and not peer pressure.
Here are some of my considered opinions on the poor, hapless victims of either fashion, circumstance or just wrong place at the wrong time.
Attire described as; from 'haute couture to functional and accessorise galore.
You cannot have an active small dog syndrome life dressed as Wonder Woman. Whatever takes the attention off the fact your sibling is dressed as a bloody pink rabbit.
I wonder if I made it clear how I feel about the colour pink!
I've known rabbits in my time, they're awesome. but it doesn't work on any level dressed as one.
  Also, if you find yourself, as a small dog in an unavoidable patch of grief, honestly, you cannot put space between you and said problem if you're rolling around tangled in your poncho!
    I have a functional jacket for when there is quite a bit of snow. As a rule, I put the brakes on.
Mum says it's like trying to walk a house.
The only time I get cold and shivery is if Mum stops and gasses her maw on the street corner.
The wind and the rain is an injection of madness! Keep moving, run, bark, spin around in big circles then make them smaller until you nearly catch your tail and fall over!! It's a RIOT!
    Please, it would be too cruel to let me voice my opinion on vivid coloured dogs that climb submissively into wedding attire.
   If by some strange interpretation, the mind has turned us into 'furry children'.....then for heaven sakes above, let us act like them occasionally.
Do not in any capacity think its a good idea to dress cats up. Unless you're up to date on your private medical insurance.
I doubt the N.H.S. would see this as anything else other than 'self harming'.
Hairless cats....soooo unfortunate. Functional clothing from wee kittens I can sympathise.
A heads-up....if they are wearing jumpers, climbing trees is probably not a good idea.
Probably something with short sleeves...they don't want to find themselves like I did.
Imagine a confrontation with the neighbourhood bully cat or the neighbour's dog....
.........10 minutes later.........
Poppy is currently engaged in being ferocious and viscous with her toys that know who's boss.
F.Y.I...'what's that' is the command for letting go.
We were just saying wrong the whole time!
   Love Val.

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