Tuesday 5 June 2012

Mad as a Union Jack tea cosey, vs. Jubile

   The Jubilee that we are witnessing, is a swollen torrent of memorabilia being snapped up by people keen to mark the occasion in a fashion of their choosing.
With 60 years on from Queen Elizabeth's Coronation, we are witnessing once again with all and sundry, her Majesty's achievements.
   You can throw a stone, (tired of the spit metaphor now) in any direction and hit someones bunting.
We can also obtain anything from fine bone, gold gilded, china tea sets, complete with the option to obtain a mad Union Jack tea cosy. I can only see nothing but trouble getting it off a scalding tea pot!
Then down at the lower end of the scale, you may want to purchase cardboard faces of the Monarchy with the eyes cut out. Wear one of those and tell me whether cutting the eyes out helps at all.
   Seriously though, the questionably brave, mad as a Union Jack tea cosy people, whom all camped in outrageously unsuitable gear, in the foulest of June weather.
   They will never, ever, admit it wasn't worth it given a chance at glimpsing at the Queen.
These people are soaked and chilled to the bone, witnessing history along side their equally insane neighbour.
"Something to tell the grandchildren!" "An experience of a lifetime!" "We'll never forget this!"
I'm truly staggered.
They were bothered enough to put themselves through this. They're not expecting a pat on the back, which is just as well.
I'm the sort of person that is quite happy to see it on the telly. We all have our different levels of appreciation on things.
   Meanwhile back at the ranch.....our eldest Peep and her mates attended a picnic in the park, having a 'brolli rave' to live musicians all wearing soggy card crowns.
I was finding out about a completely different Jubilee from our beloved scriptural mentor.

   Actually, the scriptures in the Old Testament, the book of Leviticus chapter 25 through to chapter 28, describes a "Jubile."
This Jubile happened every 50 years, to redeem those that had to give up all they owned to pay their debts. A ram's horn would be blown, then families would be able to get their holdings back.
I know how harsh this sounds, but the good news is the children of Israel that believed in the Lord, were well kept, paid servants. The unbelievers that cursed and blasphemed the Lord, had seven kinds of furry inflicted upon them.
Then didn't get their gear back.
They would have been savagely treated slaves.
   The 50 years measures in the counting of 7 sabbath years.
If you owned land, you worked and reaped from it for 6 years, then let the land rest for the 7th or sabbath year.
It was the same with the week as we know it now, and on the 7th day rest.
On the sabbath, you wouldn't go without, you would live off the harvest from the years before.
So, when you multiply 7 sabbath years by 7, this equals 49.
Then add on all the sabbath days, that pretty much makes up the remaining year, that brings us up to 50 years!
The property would then go back to the kin of the tribe that lost it in the first place.
Legalities can be found in the book of Numbers, chapter 36.
   Our sins can be a bit like debts.
As we can spend a huge amount of time trying in what is less commonly perceived as 'pathetic attempts' in avoiding responsibility, it is still a weight.
   We are all bad toads and Jesus knows that.
He knows your heart.
Here's the thing: if you believe in his blood sacrifice, change from scepticism, then love him, Your debt is clear.
This also means you acknowledge Jesus and prove you are responsible enough to learn from your mistakes.
That is, if you are able.
If you are not able, pray for Jesus to guide you. Reading the Bible gives you massive instruction for this. He knows your heart.

   The next time the horn of the Jubile is blown, will be the time of the rapture. This is when all the Angels of the Lord blow their horns so we will be judged as the living and the dead.
No one knows when that will be, except the Lord Father. He's not telling.
I am saved, I'm still a wilful toad, and by this I want to be able to bring you with us.
He knows my heart.
Love Val X.

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